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October 16, 2024

5 Reasons Why Top Athletes Like Ronaldo Should Never Smoke

Cristiano Ronaldo never smokes

For athletes and sports enthusiasts, keeping the body in tip-top condition is part of the formula for success but some top footballers like Ronaldo still smoke - here are 5 reasons why they should quit.

Smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs should never be combined with any form of physical exercise. Yet, some athletes still indulge in these dangerous habits. In this article we’ll look at the reasons why it's really important for athletes to adopt as healthy a lifestyle as possible, most especially professional athletes looking to reach the pinnacle of their career. One athlete who openly smokes is Cristiano Ronaldo, seen on social media and in news coverage enjoying cigarettes and, on occasion, a hookah. In this day and age, we would hope that Ronaldo is well-versed on the dangers of smoking, but just in case he's not (and he’s reading this), here are five reasons why top athletes – just like him – shouldn't smoke.

Cristiano Ronaldo - Healthy habits:

Smoking Decreases Athletic Endurance

For athletes and footballers like Ronaldo, being able to perform to a high-level during competitions is essential. Football games last 90 minutes (excluding extra-time and penalties), smoking severely impacts your ability to play for long periods of time as it puts pressure on the respiratory system especially lung capacity, meaning there's more chance of breathlessness.

What's more, it impacts the cardiovascular system as it blocks arteries, so blood flow becomes restricted. That's what leads to a heart attack! As well as decreasing endurance and slowing down players/competitors, raising the heart rate for an extended period of time and being a smoker increases the risk of heart attack. Quitting smoking and opting for healthier alternatives like nicotine pouches is a smart choice for athletes. Check out options at snus for a collection of outstanding flavors and strengths, suitable for adult use over the age of 18, and an excellent alternative for athletes who want to enjoy the sensation of smoking without the risks.

Smoking Slows Recovery After Training

Recovery after training is just as important as training itself, more so for elite athletes. Recovery post-exercise is essential for the body's ability to heal, this is crucial for topping up energy levels and for building muscular strength. Smoking harms insulin production in muscle recovery, and insulin is vital for sportsmen and women. It also slows nutrients' journey to muscles, which equally slows healing.

When athletes don’t allow their muscles or body to recover properly, it impacts performance. It's really important for athletes to resist cigarettes so they maintain their competitive edge. Nicotine pouches do not combust and neither do they contain the extremely harmful ingredient tobacco, which is known to cause cancer in smokers. Therefore, these smokeless alternatives are the perfect choice for competitive athletes, immediately removing the harmful effects of smoking.

Cardiovascular Health is Critical for Performance

Athletes need to maintain heart health because this vital organ is always put under pressure during long periods of athletic endurance. Good circulation is the key to a robust cardiovascular system and smoking blocks and narrows the arteries which in turn cannot pump blood around the body or to the heart. The end result could be catastrophic, especially when the heart is trying to pump as fast as possible, smoking and exercising raises the risk of heart attack and 1 in 4 deaths from heart attack are amongst smokers.

For footballers like Ronaldo, smoking will have negatively impacted his cardiovascular health, while at the same time, decreasing stamina and performance. Cristiano Ronaldo – if you're reading this (or any footballer no matter what stage you are in your career), switching to a smoke-free alternative such as nicotine pouches will help you avoid the harmful effects of smoking, most especially your cardiovascular health. You can see what brilliant smokeless options are available at nicotine pouches - store...

Cristiano Ronaldo profile photo in 2024

Smoking Damages Mental Focus and Clarity

Football and every other athletic game or competition isn't just about physical performance. Much of performing is down to mentality too, having discipline, determination, focus and concentration. Smoking affects all of the above and can be a cause of depression. Being addicted to cigarettes can make you think about when you're going to have your next fix – rather than focussing on the game at hand. It also affects decision-making, so important when in a high-pressure situation. Any athlete needs to have their "eye on the ball", throughout a game or competition.

Mental clarity is absolutely critical – so if you're reading this and want to reach peak performance, don't smoke. If you do but you want to switch to something else that will help you maintain that essential focus, then try nicotine pouches which offer all the joys of smoking without the risks.

Maintaining a Healthy Image

Footballers and athletes who are well-known household names have a role to play, especially to young fans and those who want to be just like them! Seeing iconic athletes in the news or on social media smoking, drinking, taking drugs and other dangerous substances influences vulnerable minds, who emulate their idols. Having a positive image is important for any sportsperson’s career. Athletes like Ronaldo are role models to millions.

Smoking damages physical health for sure – but it also damages personal image. By quitting cigarettes, athletes get the chance to firstly lead by example, positively influencing their fans but secondly, they also maintain their health, as well as their status as icons of fitness and well-being.

Summing up...

For more than forty years, the dangers of smoking have constantly been reported and there’s an ongoing, global campaign headed up by the World Health Organization to end smoking because it is the number one killer in the world. Top athletes just like Ronaldo know the dangers. Their trainers will actively discourage smoking and any other substance abuse.

It is absolutely essential for performance, but also for longevity of life and overall health, that athletes should never smoke. It compromises everything – especially physical ability. Nicotine pouches are one of the latest smokeless alternatives, proven as the most effective smoking cessation tools yet and these modern, smoke-free alternatives are pleasurable too. These pouches can help athletes quit smoking, while easily maintaining their performance. Visit and to explore a selection of the very best quality nicotine pouches supporting a healthier, smoke-free lifestyle.

Cristiano Ronaldo cheering in irony

Cristiano Ronaldo next game for Al Nassr is on October 18, against Al Shabab for the Saudi Pro League. You can watch Al Shabab vs Al Nassr, Argentina vs Bolivia, Tottenham vs West Ham, Manchester United vs Brentford, Brazil vs Peru and Juventus vs Lazio, all matches provided from our live sports game pages.

Al Nassr next game:
Al Shabab vs Al Nassr
kick-off time (18-10-2024):

Beijing (China) | UTC/GMT+8: 02:00
India (New Delhi) |
UTC/GMT+5.30: 23:30
Saudi Arabia
(Riyadh) | UTC/GMT+3: 21:00
(Madrid) | UTC/GMT+2: 20:00
Portugal and England (Lisbon/London) | UTC/GMT+1: 19:00
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | UTC/GMT-3: 15:00
New York (United States) | UTC/GMT-3: 15:00
Los Angeles (United States) | UTC/GMT-6: 12:00

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Cristiano Ronaldo reacting during game for Al Nassr




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